Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Matnas and Shimshit

It was fun to discuss our jobs and brainstorm with the matnas staff. They were so eager to learn how we do things. It was amazing to see we had the same issues, lack of attendance, how to market programs, WEBSITES!!! We all enjoyed this part of our trip a lot. After group breakout sessions where we discussed challenges and similarities we proceeded to an area mall where we had an incredible variety of kosher lunch dishes. It seems that kosher restaurants in Nazareth Illit are as few and far between like back home. We boarded the bus and headed to Shimshit. Shimshit is a community village where jews of Israel were concerned that Israelis were not really Jewish. They came together to this community in hopes of creating a place Jews could be Jews in there own way. They refuse to use the wording alternative to orthodox. It was a beautiful community where 550 families live in harmony not judging eachother. Maybe this is the next phenomenom.....user friendly Judaism.

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